Wednesday, December 18, 2013
how to raise money quick and easy! :)
if you are trying to raise money a great way is to have a bake sale, garage sale and donations! :)
Multiplying integers
If you multiply two integers that are positives you should get another positive.if you multiply a negative by a negative you will get a positive.
multiplying integers
positive + positive = positive
negitive + negitive = positive
negative + positive = negitive
positive + negative = negitive
negitive + negitive = positive
negative + positive = negitive
positive + negative = negitive
The shortest day of the year
The shortest day of the year will occur on Saturday, December 21, 2013. This will be the day of the year with the least sunlight.
The 4 Rules for Multiplying Integers
1) A positive times a positive = positive
2) A negative times a negative = positive
3) A negative times a positive= negative
4) A positive times a negative= negative
2) A negative times a negative = positive
3) A negative times a positive= negative
4) A positive times a negative= negative
Bake sale
Today for our Quebec trip fundraiser we are doing a bake sale. One class is bringing treats and selling them for the money so we can go to Quebec next year! A bake sale is a great idea for people who are trying to raise money!!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
in art there is different pencils for different "shades" if u want it light then use one of your H pencils.(4h,2h,...) if you want a darker "shade" then u use one of your B pencils. (2b,3b,4b,5b,6b...)
Monday, December 16, 2013
1st world 2nd world 3rd world game
In social studies we played a game where our teacher gave us cards with either 1st world, 2nd world or 3rd world on them. Then we went into another classroom where she had set it up as one section 1st world one section 2nd world and one section 3rd world. The 1st world people had a tablecloth on a nice long table, a centre piece, cinnamon buns, fancy juices and one candy cane each. The 2nd world people had one candy cane to share one cup, one plate and some cereal. They had a small table and not enough chairs to go around. 3rd world had to sit on the floor and had a tin tray do Cheerios. This game represented how it is in the world. It isn't fair and we need to make a change.
How to Use A Formula
If you come up to a question like D=80*h the means distance and the h means hours you have to and if if come with a,b,c first you do a and say a is 1 so you have to put d=80*1 than you multiply 80 by 1 and that's 80 so than the answer will be d=80km.
* is the multiplying symbol.
* is the multiplying symbol.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Impractical jokers
It is a show about these 4 guys that dare each other what to say and what to do in public areas. It is really funny
Socil Studies
In social studies today we had three groups the first group was the best they had the most food. the second group had less food one napkin and to less of chairs. the third group had not enough food they had to sit on the ground. they had no napkins either. it was a really fun game.
Airsofting is a sport where you get air soft guns and shoot the outer team. Air soft guns can get expensive, you should where a thick sweater and a mask as protection. You should not shoot heads. Threat are also used for shooting cans and boxes or both. There a fun thing but you have to be carrel with them.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Subtracting integers!!¡¡
When we subtract integers we have to add the opposite¡¡!!
EXAMPLE: (+2) - (-5)
(+2) - (+5) = (+7)
EXAMPLE: (+2) - (-5)
(+2) - (+5) = (+7)
Eat, Fall, Draw, Drive, and Run
- Never use a helping verb with ate, fell, drew, drove, and ran.
- Always use a helping verb with eaten, fallen, drawn, driven, and run.
Christmas Food Hamper
The Christmas food hamper is when you and other people from your school bring in food for the needy families to eat on Christmas!!!!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
for adding integers don't forget to put the Q&A in brackets because then this is what it would look like; +4 + +4= +8 which is pretty confusing, so instead we write it like this : (+4) + (+4) = (+8).
Adding and subtracting integers
Adding integers are easy once you know what to do.
Example: (+4)+(+5) =(+9)
Now your probably wondering why the + sign is the there there are positives and negatives. And when your adding or subtracting integers you have to put the numbers in brackets.
Example: (+4)+(+5) =(+9)
Now your probably wondering why the + sign is the there there are positives and negatives. And when your adding or subtracting integers you have to put the numbers in brackets.
In phys. Ed right now we're learning how to juggle. This is a video on how to juggle.
Monday, December 9, 2013
ChriSTMAs EXchaNge
Christmas exchange is when you get pick randomly to buy someone a small christmas present.:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))$
Friday, December 6, 2013
How to make a salad
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Rapping you need to come up with a word and then you have to think of another word that rhymes with the first word.
Example: You better listen up cause its true on what I'm gunna tell you
I used true and you to make a rap. You can use words that don't have the same letter too. Cause I used true and you they both have the "U" in the word
Example: people always trying to hate but you got to keep your focus androgen your head straight.
In that rap I used the words hate and straight. It's like a game of match the words. But in this case it's rapping.
Example: You better listen up cause its true on what I'm gunna tell you
I used true and you to make a rap. You can use words that don't have the same letter too. Cause I used true and you they both have the "U" in the word
Example: people always trying to hate but you got to keep your focus androgen your head straight.
In that rap I used the words hate and straight. It's like a game of match the words. But in this case it's rapping.
Practice makes perfect
Social Studies
Last week in Social Studies I learned that latitude is imaginary lines on Earth drawn east and west; latitude measures are given north and south of the equated.
Past Tenses of See, Go and Begin
Never use helping verbs with saw, went and began. Always use a helping verb with seen, gone, and begun.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Integers are negative and positive numbers.If you have +5 you pronounce it like positive five and if you had two numbers like -3 and -7 and you were told to find the bigger one negative 3 is the larger one.

If you were writing a sentence such as ..
Hi my name (is, are) Sarah what would you put?
The correct word would be is because you are only one person.
Monday, December 2, 2013
integers are negative and positive numbers. and integer has an opposite. example +5 opposite is -5.
Integers are numbers that are either positive or negative.
For example if a golf par is 12 and you get 10 shots you are at -2.
For example if a golf par is 12 and you get 10 shots you are at -2.
FiTnESs RuN :)))))$$$$@&@&@&!!!!
A fitness run is when a class or group of students run laps around a gym. The more laps you do the better mark you get.:))!!
Friday, November 29, 2013
How to Add Frations
If you have a numbers like 2/5 + 3/5 and you were asked to add them the denominator will be the same and you add 2+3 = 5and the answer would be 1 because the fraction is 5/5. So that is 1. If you have 2/6+4/5 you have to find the lowest common denominator witch is 30 than 6 goes into 30 five times so 2 times 5 is 10 and the fraction. 10/30 would be that fraction and 5 goes into 30 six times and 4 times 6 is 24 the fraction would be 24/30 you add 10/30 +24/30 and the answer would be 34/30 you wold have to turn that into a mixed number. The mixed number will be 1 4/30 and simplify it would be 1 2/15.
how to make a origami water bomb
a origami water bomb is a easy origami model and it is fun to throw at people when it is full of water.
how to do a bar spin on a scooter
(the creepy) lady in the cave
how to add fractions
how to add fractions: adding fractions is easy if both denominators are the same because all you do is leave the denominator the same and add the numerators.
ex: 3/6+2/6=5/6
if the denominators are different you need to find a common denominator first than add the numerators.
ex: 3/6+2/6=5/6
if the denominators are different you need to find a common denominator first than add the numerators.
Team Handball
Team Handball is used with a little soccer but it's a little harder than a soccer ball. The object of this game is to get the ball in the other teams net. There are two 30min periods. There's a crease that you aren't supposed to shoot the ball inside.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Indirect objects
The indirect objects is the noun or pronoun that tells to whom or for whom an action is done. In order to have an indirect objects, a sentence must have a direct object.
The indirect object is usually placed between the action verb and direct object.
EXAMPLE: who sold you that fantastic bike?
The indirect object is usually placed between the action verb and direct object.
EXAMPLE: who sold you that fantastic bike?
Verb Tenses
- Future tense: something that will happen. -shall or will
- Past tense: something that's already taken place. -ed or was
- Present tense: something that is happening now. -normal verb
Gym Blast
Tomorrow we have gym blast. Gym blast is when the whole school gets together in our gym, each student has a colour so there are 4 different colours so 4 different teams. Then we play a whole bunch of fun activities!
Today I learned that a ballerina wears a certain type of shoe that is kind of like a slipper that fits to their shape of their foot.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Verb Tenses
Today in Grammer I learned that in Verb Tenses there is future tense, past tense and present tense.
Verb phrases
A verb phrase consists of a main verb and one or more helping verbs. A helping verb is also called an auxiliary verb. In a verb phrase the helping verb or verbs precede the main verb.
Ex: Peter has arrived.
has arrived is the verb phrase.
Ex: Peter has arrived.
has arrived is the verb phrase.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Foot ball game report
The Saskatchewan ruff riders beat the Hamilton tiger cats by 43-23 a great game
Push bush
When you go hunting you probably will push bush and how you push bush is you have someone who will stand point and what he does is seat in the car or truck and wait for the dear to come and he has a place where he can shoot and the rest of the Peaple are a fare bit a way from each other and they walk through the bush and scare the dear a way they can not shoot straight because that's where the person who stands point will be they can only shoot be bind them If there's no road behind them
Friday, November 22, 2013
Writing decimals as fractions
If you say the decimal right then it makes changing decimals into fractions easy. For example: 0.6 is equal to 6/10. If you want to put it into simplest form it would be 3/5. How you change a decimal that goes on and on is *the denominator will always be 9 and the numerator will be the number that is repeating in the decimal. But a terminating decimal (a decimal that doesn't repeat) does NOT have 9 as it's denominator it has a 10 as the denominator.
Driver San fransico
Driver San fransico is a really fun game you can get it for ps3 and Xbox I think you unlock cars and trucks and semis you do mission like races and drifting compitions you can by cars and by garages to unlock different kinds of vehicles there's Lamborghini Chevy ford dodge Nissan Honda Mercedes by kieran
Hatchet 2/spongy polo
So far in the book these guys asked Brian to go out and survive out in the wilderness again.
By: Matthew Elliott
Spongy polo is a team game. You play with a soft ball and sticks. On the stick it has a spongy end on the stick (Elephant Q Tip). You play with two hockey nets, the object of the game is you have to try to score on the other teams net.
By: Taylor Cuny
By: Matthew Elliott
Spongy polo is a team game. You play with a soft ball and sticks. On the stick it has a spongy end on the stick (Elephant Q Tip). You play with two hockey nets, the object of the game is you have to try to score on the other teams net.
By: Taylor Cuny
Cod ghosts
Call of duty ghosts recently came out. And lots of people did not like the new game. This game was published by infinity of duty black ops 2 was published by trey ark. Are the ghosts real ?
Free class
Free class is a class that if u have at least 1 letter left from the two words FREE CLASS. In order to get a letter taken away you to be like disobedient, really loud, etc. and to gain a letter you do the opposite.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
A verb is an action word and a different type of verb is a linking verb an that is like say you saw a sentence like this john looked tired the word that is underlined is the linking verb because it can be changed to a different word
Clash of clans
Today I played clash of clans with jan robin and Carson and Brandon it was really fun and i raided a lot and donated I love playing it I'm in the clan heroes for sale. By Brennan
How to change repeating decimals into fractions
To change repeating decimals into fractions you:
Always make the denominator a 9 (Maurice the Rocket Richard's jersey number) and whatever number is repeating is the numerator.
Always make the denominator a 9 (Maurice the Rocket Richard's jersey number) and whatever number is repeating is the numerator.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Action Verb
An action verb is a word that shows action. eg. I watched my favorite television program.Watched is the verb. If there was no verb it would be... I ______ my favorite television program and no one would understand you.
Linking Verbs
Linking verbs are verbs that do not show action. Linking verbs can replace any of these words: am, is, are, was, were. For example: Marta appears nervous. Appears is the linking verb because it can be replaced by is.
Ryan sheckler
Ryan sheckler won his first pro skateboard contest when he was 13 he won 3 xgames trophies watch a video on Ryan
Operation Christmas Child
Operation christmas child is when each class has two shoe boxes one for a girl and one for a boy and then we fill them with Christmas gifts for the children who don't get christmas gifts.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Last week in spelling I learned that deny ment means you are stating something as untrue.
Example: I denied taking the last piece of cake out of the fridge.😞
Example: I denied taking the last piece of cake out of the fridge.😞
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Abc conversation
Abc conversation is when you say a word that begins with an alphabetical letter and see how far you can go without messing up.
Improper fractions
An improper fraction is were the numerator is bigger than the denomenator
DA eBay
Da ebay is were people buy stuff and or sell stuff and they get money. If you buy stuff you lose money and get the thing you bought. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Today we learned about changing improper fractions into mixed numbers.
Improper fractions into mixed numbers: 7/3=2 1/3
Three go's into seven twice. So the two is the whole number.and the remainder is one so it becomes the numerator. And the denominator turns into the new denominator.
Improper fractions into mixed numbers: 7/3=2 1/3
Three go's into seven twice. So the two is the whole number.and the remainder is one so it becomes the numerator. And the denominator turns into the new denominator.
American muscle cars
American muscle cars first came out in the early sixties I m pretty sure. Muscle cars have big engines to make them go fast and lots of horse power. Such as 1970 dodge charger Daytona and 1968 Camero SS and the 1963 corvette spilt window coupe some people don't think the corvette is a real muscle car. I think it is. The 1963 corvette is one of the rarest muscle car ever. Lots of movies have muscle cars like fast and furious and bullet.
Deepest spot in the ocean
The deepest spot in the ocean is the Mariana's trench it is over 11 km Long
did u know that 6 million children under the age of 5 die every year as a result of hunger and that 43% of children in sub-Saharan Africa do not have safe/accessible drinking water.
Social Studies
I learned in Social Studies tht a Gps allows people to find their location using latituda and longitude and elevation.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
5 Facts You Didn't Know
1. It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes,each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.
2.Honey does not spoil.You could feasibly eat 3000 year old honey.
3.The Spanish national anthem has no words.
4.The state sport of Maryland is jousting.
5.Dead people can get goosebumps.
2.Honey does not spoil.You could feasibly eat 3000 year old honey.
3.The Spanish national anthem has no words.
4.The state sport of Maryland is jousting.
5.Dead people can get goosebumps.
Nouns are a person, place, thing, or idea. An example of a person is Mr. Routledge. This example is also a proper noun. Proper nouns are names given to specific person, place, or thing. They always start with capital letters. An example of a thing is a book. Common nouns name general things and do not begin with capital letters unless they begin a sentence. There are also two other kinds nouns, singular nouns and plural nouns. Singular nouns are nouns that represent a single person, place, or thing. An example is door, because there is only one door. Plural nouns are nouns that represent more than one thing. An example is doors, because there is more than one door. There are also possessive nouns. Possessive nouns are used to show ownership. The possessive noun always comes before what it owns or has. For example: the wick of the candle would be - candle's wick. The possessive of most plural nouns is formed by adding an apostrophe then s. In other words if the word is already plural just add an apostrophe. For example: girls - girls'.
Math today
Today we had math and we were doing equivalent fractions and we learned lots about it like if you have 10/20 you can simplify it to 1/2 by dividing it by 10.
Quebec trip
In February of 2015 we are going to Quebec for a French trip. We have done bake sales and 50-50 at hockey games ect.. We have to fundraiser because there is so many of us going.
How to 180 on a scooter
To 180 on a scooter all you have to do is put two feet on sideways and bunny hop up and turn as hard as you can and if you don't get it the first time try it again and again
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Quebec French Trip
The Water Cycle
The water cycle has a certain order. It goes:
Evaporation --- Transpiration --- Condensation --- Precipitation
This cycle occurs over and over and over again.
By Rachel E. Peters
Evaporation --- Transpiration --- Condensation --- Precipitation
This cycle occurs over and over and over again.
By Rachel E. Peters
Friday, November 8, 2013
How to j-hop on a bmx
You pull up on your handle bars then you kind of twist your hands on your grips and then push down and than you should of j-hoped
Thursday, November 7, 2013
in school today we had a grammar test and it was about nouns a noun is a person place or thing
The Egg experiment
In science w had to do a experiment with an egg we had to blow out the yolk and carry it around for one day without breaking it. The experiment was to show us how fragile the earth is.
Working Backwards
When working backwards you start with the last number if the first number is unknown and if you had to use addition you would do the opposite so subtraction .
The earthy egg
In are science class we have to hold a hallow egg all day and not brake it to teach us the earth is fragile.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
A little EGGsperiment!!!
Today in science we did an experiment with eggs! The first thing we did was we each got one egg. Then we coloured them to look like the earth. Then we took push pins and put one hole in the bottom and one hole in the top. The holes should just be small. Then we blew through the top hole and all the yoke came out the bottom. We carried these eggs around all day in an effort not to break them. The point if this project was to show how fragile our earth is. We need to take care of our earth because if one thing gets messed up the whole thing will crumble like an empty egg shell.
Social Studie; Human Rights
In social today we watched a video on human rights. the video included some of the following...
Our Rights Poverty Children Rights
-------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
- free education - no free education
- free health care - no health care
- good jobs - unemployment
- free from harm - child labour
- paid fairly - children sent to war
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Possessive nouns
Today we learned about possessive nouns. The possessive form of a noun is used to show ownership.
Ex: Joe's car is new.
The possessive of singular nouns is formed by adding an apostrophy plus an s.
Ex: Monica's house.
Flower's pedals.
The possessive of most plural nouns is formed by adding an apostrophy.
Ex: girls' boys' animals'
Even if the singular noun ends in an s, you must still put an apostrophy and an s.
Ex: Joe's car is new.
The possessive of singular nouns is formed by adding an apostrophy plus an s.
Ex: Monica's house.
Flower's pedals.
The possessive of most plural nouns is formed by adding an apostrophy.
Ex: girls' boys' animals'
Even if the singular noun ends in an s, you must still put an apostrophy and an s.
Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores
Recently in science we learned about omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. Definitions of these words are:
Herbivores- an animal that eats only plant material; examples are grasshoppers, beavers, and moose
Omnivores- an animal that eats other plants and animal material; examples are bears, raccoons, and humans
Carnivores- an animal that eats other animals; examples are lynx, wolves, and hawks
Herbivores- an animal that eats only plant material; examples are grasshoppers, beavers, and moose
Omnivores- an animal that eats other plants and animal material; examples are bears, raccoons, and humans
Carnivores- an animal that eats other animals; examples are lynx, wolves, and hawks
Today in spelling I learned that bestow means to give, present or in other words to give as a gift.
I also learned that acquired means obtained, or gathered.
I also learned about other words like trifle, linger, and confined.
Trifle means small amount or a bit.
Liner means to stay or leave very slowly.
Confined means to be imprisoned or restricted.
I also learned that acquired means obtained, or gathered.
I also learned about other words like trifle, linger, and confined.
Trifle means small amount or a bit.
Liner means to stay or leave very slowly.
Confined means to be imprisoned or restricted.
Science is a great subject in school it has experiments and Big Bang theary so always go to science
Friday, November 1, 2013
ABC conversation
An abc conversation is were you you start each sentence with the next letter in the alphabet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡'₩₩§§
Today in art we had to do optical alusion and it has really fun it makes your eyes work funny and
By Brennan
By Brennan
Identifying extra information (problem solving)
A problem may contain more information than you need. In many cases, extra information is distracting. Decide what information you need and than eliminate the extra information.
Bedmas is for order of operations it means brackets exponites divison multipulcation add subtrack
4 steps
The four steps to use a table are-
1: organize the given information in a table.
2:complete the table with the results of your calculations.
3: find the answer from the table.
4: check that your answer is reasonable.
-Katie martens
1: organize the given information in a table.
2:complete the table with the results of your calculations.
3: find the answer from the table.
4: check that your answer is reasonable.
-Katie martens
We just watched the movie for hatchet and in the movie he got attacked by a bear and then later found out that the bear had cubs. He had to take care of the cubs and feed them fish because he jabbed the bear in the gut with a stick when he was hiding. He was really lucky that he made it out alive i probably wouldn't have.
Cry in the wild
Yesterday we watched a movie called cry in the wild the movie was based of of the book hatchet it was still the same story just there was a bit of stuff that never happened I'm the book or that never should I'm the movie but it is still a really good movie .
Thursday, October 31, 2013
BEDMAS Stands for
B- Brackets
E- Exponents
D- Division
M- Multiplication
A- Addition
S- Subtraction
B- Brackets
E- Exponents
D- Division
M- Multiplication
A- Addition
S- Subtraction
Order of Operations (BEDMAS)
These are the orders of BEDMAS
B is for brackets always do the brackets first
E is for exponents do the exponents second
D is for dividing do the dividing third
M is for multiplying do that in the order it comes
A is of addition do that in the order it comes
S is for subtraction do it in the order it comes
By: Matthew and Taylor C
B is for brackets always do the brackets first
E is for exponents do the exponents second
D is for dividing do the dividing third
M is for multiplying do that in the order it comes
A is of addition do that in the order it comes
S is for subtraction do it in the order it comes
By: Matthew and Taylor C
Order of operations is very easy to do all you have to do is use bedmas brackets exponents division multiplication addition subtraction.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Food chain
In science we learned about food chains,
Mushrooms, bugs,birds, owl, cougar.
The bugs would eat the mushrooms the birds would eat the bugs the birds would eat the bugs an owl would eat the birds and a cougar would eat the owl.
Mushrooms, bugs,birds, owl, cougar.
The bugs would eat the mushrooms the birds would eat the bugs the birds would eat the bugs an owl would eat the birds and a cougar would eat the owl.
Pyramid of Numbers
In science class we learned about the pyramid of numbers. It is the number of individual organisms at each level of a food chain. The number of organisms decreases with each level higher in the food chain. Ther is a greater number of organisms at the bottom of the food chain than at the top.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Common m
Common noun
A common noun names any one of a class of objects like child ,tree, home.
By: Matthew E
Proper nouns
A proper noun names a particular person place, or thing it begins with a capital latter.
By: Taylor C
A common noun names any one of a class of objects like child ,tree, home.
By: Matthew E
Proper nouns
A proper noun names a particular person place, or thing it begins with a capital latter.
By: Taylor C
Today in indictment we looked on the internet looking on ebay ebrandon and I found some cool things some thing are pretty cool and I might buy them and I will sell some things on ebrandon there is some things that other people put on there.
A noun is a person,place or a thing like Canada is a place a clock Is a thing and I'm a person.
Enrichment (interior design)
Today in enrichment I did interior design. We did mr.corbels door with an acoustic guitar with a few music notes around it.
I learned that a holograph is a word that has the same spelling as another word but a different meaning and sometimes a different pronunciation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Common and proper nouns
Today we learned about common and proper nouns. Every noun can be further classified as common or proper.
What is a common noun? A common noun are general things and do not begin with capital letters unless they begin a sentence.
What is a proper noun? Proper nouns are things that always begin with capital letters.
Ex: Common: Proper:
ocean Pacific
restaurant Wendy's
teacher Mr. Routledge
country Canada
movie Pitch Perfect
What is a common noun? A common noun are general things and do not begin with capital letters unless they begin a sentence.
What is a proper noun? Proper nouns are things that always begin with capital letters.
Ex: Common: Proper:
ocean Pacific
restaurant Wendy's
teacher Mr. Routledge
country Canada
movie Pitch Perfect
Monday, October 21, 2013
El Niño
El Niño is a huge mass of very warm water that appears frequently off the coast of northern South America.
Our class just finished hatchet it was a great book. It was about a boy named Brian robson he got caught in the wilderness when his plane crashed he had to survive of almost 3 months before Simone came to rescue him so that was fun you have to read the book.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Soccer/Scoial Studies
The object of soccer is to get the ball in to the net with no hands. But you have to get to there net and get past three forward players two defence players and a goalie that can use his hands. In the game of sooner you can not kick punch or tackle anyone.
By: Matthew E
The 7 wonders of the world
1. Grand Canyon
2. The Great Barrier Reef
3. Harbour Of Rio De Janeiro
4. Mount Everest
5. Aurora
6. Parícutin Volcano
7. Victoria Falls
By: Taylor C
By: Matthew E
The 7 wonders of the world
1. Grand Canyon
2. The Great Barrier Reef
3. Harbour Of Rio De Janeiro
4. Mount Everest
5. Aurora
6. Parícutin Volcano
7. Victoria Falls
By: Taylor C
Megaladon in science
Today in science we talked about megaladon and about if it is extinked or still alive a guy has made a replica of his jaw and have got authentic teeth on it and he was diving for years and collections teeth .he was diving with his and a sand shark bit his flipper and it almost came off and another time he almost got hit when he hit him with his screwdriver and it hit his friend and it dislocated his shoulder he finished hi jaw in 25 years. By Brennan
The 7 Natural wonders of the world
The 7 natural wonders of the world are
The Grand Canyon
The Harbour of Rio
The Victoria waterfalls
Great Barrier Reef
Paracutin Volcano
Northern Lights
And Mount Everest
The Grand Canyon
The Harbour of Rio
The Victoria waterfalls
Great Barrier Reef
Paracutin Volcano
Northern Lights
And Mount Everest
Juggling is an art about throwing objects in a pattern like three juggling to. Juggle three balls all you do is juggling a cascade pattern and if you want you can learn tricks like mill mess the robot and lots more.
There are 7 different regions in the world. They are
Wilderness regions
Rural regions
Urban regions
Physical regions
Desert regions
Geologic land form regions
Climate vegetation soil region
Wilderness regions
Rural regions
Urban regions
Physical regions
Desert regions
Geologic land form regions
Climate vegetation soil region
Antihero $ super villains
Anti heros are heros that are good guys and bad guys like bat man if someone gets in his way he will do what he has to do to get the people out of the way. Super vilion will rob banks and commit crimes all over the city
The 7 Natural Wonders of the World
There are seven natural wonders of the world. They are:
- Grand Canyon
- Paricutin (volcano in Mexico)
- Harbour of Rio De Janano
- Aurora Borealis
- Victoria Falls
- Mount Everest
- Great Barrier Reef
Magaladons are the huge ansisters of sharks.they are giant.they are like 2x a grate white. They are extinct.
short story
yesterday we made a short story we parented that we had to show an Allen around on a blimp and you went over a baseball and he asks questions and you had to answer the questions .
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Five Oceans
There are 5 oceans there is the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean!!!!!!!!
Gary Paulsen
Gary Paulsen Is an American writer of a young adult literature, best known for coming of age stories about the wilderness. He was born May17 1939, he is 74 years old know. He grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.
Over hand serve
To over hand serve first you gotta toss the ball, it's all in the toss if you don't have a good toss u probably won't have a very good serve. Toss the ball (if your right handed) with your left hand. Not big or too small just a toss that goes just above your head. Once you toss the ball, at the right time hit the ball with a big open hand and have your fingers spread. Try to hit the ball up and hard so that it goes over the net.
When diving in volleyball bend your knees and let yourself fall but get your arms under the ball ( make sure you have knee pads first )
7 Natural Wonders of the World
The 7 natural wonders of the world are:
The northern lights (aurora boreal is)
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia
The Parcutin volcano in Mexico
Mt. Everest in Africa
Victoria Falls in Zambia
The harbour of Rio De Jenario
Grand Canyon in USA
The northern lights (aurora boreal is)
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia
The Parcutin volcano in Mexico
Mt. Everest in Africa
Victoria Falls in Zambia
The harbour of Rio De Jenario
Grand Canyon in USA
Seven Continents
The seven continents of the world are, North America,South America,Asia,Africa,Australia,Antarctica, and last but not least Europe! There now you know your seven continents if you didn't before!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
An idiom is an expression that has a meaning different from the usual meaning of the individual words within it.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Abusive behaviours
Today in Health class we learned about abusive behaviours. We learned about physical, verbal, and emotional abuse.
Abuse behaviours:
1. Name calling-verbal abuse
2. Hitting somebody-physical abuse
3. Leaving someone out-emotional
Abuse behaviours:
1. Name calling-verbal abuse
2. Hitting somebody-physical abuse
3. Leaving someone out-emotional
You probably heard an idioms and didn't no it and idiom is a say that some people say like all the glitter is not gold means that not all the expensive things aren't the best but it could also mean all the glitter like the stuff you put on projects to make them look shine is not gold
A idiom is a saying or in other words a phrase such as "you are a ham " which means you overact :)))))..
Idioms are phrases that have two meanings. Example adding fuel to the fire. You can add fuel to a fire but there's one more meaning. Say if your two best friends are in a argument. And you say something that they said about each other and they'll just more angry. And that's adding fuel to the fire.
S.T.U.P.I.D.E rule
Ok so in the French language the STUPIDE RULE is that if the word ends in s,t,u,p,i,d,or e the letter is silent as in vert (green) don't sat the t.
Hatchet- today in the book hatchet Brian got run over by a moose and a tornado hit the lake and His camp! He also caught his first fool bird that's what Brain call's them.
A summire is when you take short notes about the book you read. It can later help you when you wander questions.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Compound Words
Today in class we learned about compound words. Compound words are words that are made up of two or more words.
Compound words!
A compound word is a word that is made up of two or more words. The meaning of many compound word is related to the meaning of each individual word. EXAMPLE: blue+berry=blueberry , meaning a type of berry that is blue.
Compound word
A compound word is a word that is made up of 2 or more words. The meaning of many compound words is related to the meaning of each individual word.
Blue + Berry = blueberry which means a type of berry that is blue.
Blue + Berry = blueberry which means a type of berry that is blue.
Compound words
A compound word is when you take two words and put them together. Example: Door and knob will become doorknob
Fun facts
Did you know that a whale's tongue weighs more than a elephant it self and a baby is delivered to the wrong mother 12 times a day!!!!!!!!
Compound words
I learned that a compound word is a word that is made up of two or more words.
Doorknob because door is a word by itself and so is knob
Airport, understand, leftover,sandpaper, seabird, and seaport.
Doorknob because door is a word by itself and so is knob
Airport, understand, leftover,sandpaper, seabird, and seaport.
Compound Words
A compound word is a word that is made up of 2 or more words like doorknob is a compound word But under way is not a compound word it's 2 words.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
A summery is a short bit about something it's not very long just a couple of sentences. So if you read a book and you were told to write a summery about it you just write a couple of sentences about the story but explain little bits not the entire story.
To properly set a ball, bend your elbows and make your hands really big and make them the shape of the ball and have your thumbs pointing towards your eyes. When the ball comes to you, set the ball with a follow through. To follow through push your elbows up and follow through. When you follow through, your thumbs and your index finger should make a triangle.
At volleyball practice I learned how to spike.
If you are right handed then you step far with your left foot. Then really quickly you step with your right then left foot landing about shoulder width apart. Then you jump and flick your wrist down hard hitting the volleyball hard. You make sure it goes fast down to the ground on the otherwise of the net making sure the other players can't hit it.
That is how you spike a volleyball.
If you are right handed then you step far with your left foot. Then really quickly you step with your right then left foot landing about shoulder width apart. Then you jump and flick your wrist down hard hitting the volleyball hard. You make sure it goes fast down to the ground on the otherwise of the net making sure the other players can't hit it.
That is how you spike a volleyball.
The rule of thirds
The rule of thirds is on a camera you a agin it is split up into thirds. The picture is usually better when the main point of the picture is corners of the frame. In portraits that is different the person can be in the middle.
Artist In The School
Artist in the school was about taking lots of photos outside, we would take a lots of photos and put it on the computer. Everyday after we're all done taking photos outside we would put the photos on the computer. The last day we would find one picture that we took and print it out in black and white and we could also but sayings on our photo that we wanted print off.
At volleyball for the girls we are learning about bumping and spiking the ball. To spike the ball u need to go left foot then jump forward and land on 2 feet then u are reddy to jump and spike the ball.
Then jump and hit the ball with you hand hard.
Then jump and hit the ball with you hand hard.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Artist In The School
Today we had artist in the school it's really fun. Cause we get to take pictures every time we have artist in the school. It's pretty cool were learning about pictures and stuff. He's telling us what would look good in black and white.
Magazine campaign
The magazine campaign is were you go around selling magazines to people and every one they buy gets you closer and closer to getting a prize like a Xbox 360 or a gum ball machine.
Biological Organization
In science class we read about biological organization. The largest organization is the biosphere, followed by any one of the seven biomes. The seven different biomes are ice, tundra, boreal forest, temperate forest, tropical rainforest, grassland, and desert. The next organization is the ecosystem. An ecosystem is all the interacting parts of a biological community and its environment. The ecosystem is then broken up into communities. A community is an association of different populations of organisms in the environment. Which is why communities are broken into populations. For a wolf pack in only one of the many animals living in a community in the boreal forest. Lastly populations are broken up into individuals. An individual is one living organisms, such as one wolf.
A few weeks ago we learned about our times tables it was fun but very difficult for some of us so it is very important to learn them so math is easy. Here are some multiplication facts to help you out
Artist in the school
Artist in the school is a activity when a artist from winnipeg comes to the school and teaches us about photography for a week and takes us outside to take some pictures of anything that looks cool.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Divisibility rules
The divisibility rule for 2 is if the number ends in a 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 then it is divisible by 2.
Hatchet- What has happened in hatchet so far is that Brian decided to make a bow and arrow, to catch fish and other animals. Brian thought he heard a plane so he lit the fire signal but the plane flew away.
Monday, September 30, 2013
A biome is a large area with characteristic climate,soil, plants, and animals. Each type of biome can be found in different parts of the world.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Scientific Notation
A number in standard form can be written in scientific notation .
To write a number in scientific notation is so that the first number is one less than ten and to the multiplication of ten.
256 000= 2.56x10 to the power of 5
To write a number in scientific notation is so that the first number is one less than ten and to the multiplication of ten.
256 000= 2.56x10 to the power of 5
In gym we learnt how to bump. To bump, you should get in a ready position with your knees bent so that when the comes your ready get it. When the comes to you, you should push up with your legs. Don't swing your arms because that's when it goes to the roof and you have no control over the ball. Instead push up with your legs., and hit the ball with your forearms.
Guess and check is where you guess a math question and then you check with a calculator or with a pencil and paper and if it's wrong you guess again and you keep doing that until you get it right.
How to do a prober bump
A prober bump is when you use put your hands together and you use your legs and push up.
A not prober bump is were you swings your arms, if you swing your arms the ball is going to go up to the ceiling and not over the net.
A prober bump is when you use put your hands together and you use your legs and push up.
A not prober bump is were you swings your arms, if you swing your arms the ball is going to go up to the ceiling and not over the net.
A contraction is two words that you put together. Example: It is a nice day out today. It's a nice day out today.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
In are novel period we have been reading a book called hatchet it is a book about a boy named Brian was in a plane crash and he has to survive all alone with just a hatchet in the Canadian wilderness
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Terry Fox
Terry fox is a very well known person. He is a Canadian who had a dream of running all across Canada to collect money for cancer research. He was an athletic person. Terry fox would play basketball all he could. He would even play well he was in a wheelchair. He was in a wheelchair because he had cancer in his leg and he had to get it cut off. To this day terry fox has raised over $600 million has been raised worldwide for the annual Terry Fox Run, held across Canada and around the world. Today people run for him in marathons and more . Terry fox was a Awesome Canadian.
Today in Hatchet we read about when Brian made a fire. And that he had to keep at going and not to let it die. And that he had to find more food before he starves to death. To me Hatchet is a pretty good to read.
In grammar we have been learning about contractions. Contractions are really simple. Here's an example, is not can be turned into isn't just drop the I and add an n. Another example is have not can be turned into haven't.
In class we are reading the book hatchet! We just finished chapter 10. Recently Brian has been able to get a fire going. He also found turtle eggs in the sand by the lake and ate 6 raw. I think I would've tried to find a way to cook them instead of eating them raw.
Friday, September 20, 2013
In math we are rounding. which is kind of easy if you know what your doing. Say for example if you have 783 and your rounding the hundreds. You look at the number to the right of the 7. If it greater then 5 then you round up if its less than 5 you round down. So the number 783 so it would round to 800.
The new iOS 7 update came out Tuesday, and lots of people like it. On the other hand some don't'.the iOS 7 features lots of new stuff including a new kind of lock screen.the apps look different, more slick.there are new starting wall papers, the music app is different it will take some time together use to but I think it will be grate.
Biotic and Abiotic
I learned in science that a Biotic is a living organism like a human and plants etc.
Abiotc is a non living thing such as rocks, dirt and metal.
Abiotc is a non living thing such as rocks, dirt and metal.
Suffixes are added to the end of a base word and changes the meaning of the word
Example : care + less =careless and means without care
Example : care + less =careless and means without care
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Today I learned that a homograph is a word that has the same spelling as another word but a different meaning and sometimes a different pronunciation.
Example: Duck
Duck other wise you will get hit by that ball.
Look at that duck swimming in the pond over there.
Example: Duck
Duck other wise you will get hit by that ball.
Look at that duck swimming in the pond over there.
Today we learned about suffixes in grammar! When you add a suffix to the end of a base word it changes the meaning
Care - careful - means full of care
Care - careful - means full of care
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Today we learned about powers.In 82 the "2" says to use 8 twice in a multiplication, so 82= 8 x 8 =64 . In words: 82 could be called "8 to the power 2" or "8 to the second power", or simply "8 squared"
Powers are also called exponents
Example: 53 = 5x5x5 = 125

Powers are also called exponents
Example: 53 = 5x5x5 = 125
Grammar, in grammar (E.L.A) today we learned about prefixes. A prefix is an affix added to the baseword or the "stem" of the word. For an example the word "seen" can be changed into a another word using a prefix by adding the word "un" which mean not so the new word would be "unseen" which means not seen.:)
When rounding look to the right if the number is less than 5 round down if it is over 5 round up.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Rounding- If you are rounding 465 and rounding the hundreds spot it would turn into 500, because the number to the right is 6. 6 is bigger than 5, if the number is bigger than 5 you round up, if the number is smaller than 5 you round down.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Are class is reading hatchet. So far it is grate book. This book is about a boy flying to see his dad and his pilot has a hart attack well there were in the air Brian ( the boy's name) did not know what to do so he ended up crash landing in a lake.
Line backers
In American foot ball there are 3 line backers Lucy (left out side linebacker) Mack (middle linebacker) and randy (right out side line backer). The outside line backers fill the holes between the defensive tackles and the defensive ends. Mack finders who ever he can find with the ball and tackle them. The outside line backers also have the responsibility of tackling the tight ends,the line backers can also intercept a pass and runs the ball!
Standard Form
Standard form is when the numbers are like 2 470 if a question asked write in standard form you would write the numbers like 34 816
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Problem Solving
Problem solving: Problem solving can be easy when you try. To get the answer you should write it out or draw a picture to help you solve the problem, you are working on.
3 steps on how to figure out math word problems:
1.Use the given info to find a pattern
2.Use the pattern to solve the problem
3.Check that the answer is reasonable
1.Use the given info to find a pattern
2.Use the pattern to solve the problem
3.Check that the answer is reasonable
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Welcome to the Room 106 Blog!
Welcome to Room 106!
Hi my name is Mr. Routledge and welcome to the Room 106 blog. Here you will find posts from the students of Room 106.
We are are a grade seven class located in Virden, Manitoba, Canada. I hope you enjoy the posts from the students and myself.
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