Friday, February 21, 2014

10 Random Facts!

  1. Cats sleep 16-18 hours a day.
  2. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
  3. In their lifetime, the average person will walk the equivalent to 5 times around the equator.
  4. President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with 350 words per minute.
  5. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
  6. Strawberries naturally whiten your teeth.
  7. The number 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the pickle variety they once had.
  8. When you die your hair still grows for a couple months.
  9. The most money ever paid for a cow at an auction is 1.3 million dollars.
  10. Each year about 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced.

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